
Student Choice Day | April 4

Teachers and other staff will be running up to 3 sessions over a topic that they are passionate about, or feel like would be a fun experience for students to have.  Students will be able to choose several sessions they are interested in and will be assigned a schedule for the day. Sessions in the past have included topics such as: dancing, cooking, arts & crafts, 4H, gardening, origami, etc.  

We would like to extend the invitation to you all if there are any fun sessions you would be interested in putting on for students here at SMGS.  Our available time slots are 8:15-9:00, 9:05-9:50, & 9:55-10:40AM.   If interested, please fill out the google form below, and we will see how we can accomodate you.  We ask that forms are sent in by March 7th.  If you have any questions, please call me at the school or email me at

Driver's ED

USD 321 will be offering Driver Education this spring. Students must be 14 years of age by May 9th to be eligible. There will be a 5 week classroom instruction program running from April 7th-May 9th that is done online where students can work on units at their own pace. The driving portion will be done during the summer where students will drive 1 week in either June or July with a small group. To get signed up, the student & a parent/guardian will need to attend one of our enrollment nights. We will have one on March 25th at RHS at 6:00 PM, and another one on March 26th at SMHS at 6:00 PM. Cost for Driver's Ed will be $200 for USD 321 students and $325 for non USD 321 students. Payment will be due on the day students enroll. Checks can be made out to USD 321. If interested, please fill out the google form using the link provided. If you have any questions, please contact Russell Medley (

Fun Run

Bus Drivers Needed